Udstilling: Til mine dages ende

Projektet Til mine dages ende er blevet til en fin udstilling, som hænger på Kulturhuset Skanderborg frem til den 20. februar 2022. Der skulle have været en fernisering den 6. januar, som desværre måtte aflyses på grund af corona. Selvom der er lukket for arrangementer i kulturhuset frem til den 17. så kan heldigvis man stadig opleve udstillingen.

Ud over billeder fra bogen - en blanding af arkivbilleder og mine billeder - er der også en mindre lyd-station, hvor man kan høre lydbidder fra mine interviews med de gamle. 

På udstillingen er det også muligt at se bogen, som udkommer om en måneds tid :)

Projektet er støttet af Ensomme Gamles Værn og Politiken-Fonden

New Year

2018 went by in a flash! It was a good year, where a lot of my time was spent building a house and being a father. And of course doing assignments for many different clients! I love the variation this job has to offer. One day I am knocking doors in a ghetto and the next day I am hunting pheasant with the 1%. 

In May I visited Zimbabwe with journalist Jeppe Reedtz Husted. We did stories on the upcoming elections and Zimbabwe in general. It was my first visit to Africa south of Sahara. I will soon be sharing some images from that journey. 

During the summer I was part of a very skilled team and contributed to a large book on the legendary Danish movie series Olsen Banden. I did portraits and photgraphed a lot of documents and original props from the movies - something I haven’t done before, so it was a fun challenge to work with strobes. The book has turned out very beautiful and can be seen (and bought) at Booklab.

Surely 2019 will offer opportunities to work with good people and create interesting stories. I expect the coming months to be productive in regards to some personal projects I have had in the pipeline for a while. So many stories are out there, waiting to be told!

Workshop in Saint Petersburg

The last 10 days I have been very fortunate to participate in a Nordic-Russian masterclass in St Petersburg, Russia with Mads Nissen and Mads Greve. It was truly inspiring and great with a change of scenery. The first three days consisted of an intense workshop followed by a week of photographing stories individually. I have been doing a story on gender roles - I shot it on film, so I have yet to see the results. Hopefully they will be well exposed! In between locations I shot a bit of street photography too :)

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